Monday, February 8, 2010



Hello everyone, I have ADD & & Im very DERPESSED bipolar and MOST of the time and I hate myself because of the error IVE but the only way to happiness is found if my future success in the luxury class vehicles, and it is the Chat 16 years has been the independent and all the rights that I, as I hate life ...... BUH when I remember why I need to succeed in his life continues to go to school, I WANT TO BEAUTY AND I WANT TO OWN invest 1 unisex salon and boutiques opening up are 2 nails so I would like to buy property and invest in one or build something , then invest in a warehouse club and do something, or you can you please tell me everything all I STEPS & 23 & 24 have, and I want a Mercedes G-Class action WHATS want to take these things and a few tips on dealing deal with the grief I Want to be happy, but will not let me My Mistake


heavyfre... said...

I totally agree with the response from the person before.

I also think it is entirely possible that the beauty school to go and can be an incredible success. You have to find the perfect beauty of the school for you to spend your training in hair, skin, nails and / or make-up, and some time on the ground. You can start cosmetics school when 18 years after their high school and simply too good on the road to owning your own successful salon is. Then I connected to several reliable websites on the Internet to find beauty schools in your area, you may request further information.

You could network with students currently considering beauty, teachers and professionals for advice to take with them, too. It's never too early to make connections in the business! A link to the show, do as the school beauty, which can help you.

Scott A Fair, Master Coach said...


First, I hope you are treated for ADHD and Bipolar. After suffering from depression, I can say from experience that one can not "good" their way through them. They should be a type of treatment. As coach of the transformation, I can say no psychiatric diagnosis or treatment recommendations, except that always help his physical body in better condition than other treatments, they can do.

Second, to forgive. Errors can occur. Try from them, learn to forgive yourself and move. Everyone makes mistakes. Hate, even if it is to make mistakes like hating yourself, if your hair is too long. That happens. Do not try to do the same thing all the time!

Thirdly, if the only way to find happiness through the purchase of goods that are on the lookout for something (respect, love, recognition, ...) that you believe to bring this property. Lounge, Class G, silver, ... are tools, means to an end. You will not find a TAHpiness in a class G or in a limousine or a yacht.

It's like emotional eating: no amount of cookies you will feel loved. You try to treat the conditions with the purchase of. It is necessary to address these problems, so you can concentrate on their business ideas up with the passion of an entrepreneur and the logic of the economist.

As an entrepreneur and economist (nice segue, eh?) Can I say that the success of companies is difficult. This is value added. There must be something someone wants and is willing to pay for it. You need their cash flow (front and rear management) and marketing of your company. There are no measures for success. Be prepared to make and most of the opportunities.

I worked with a woman who started a business of childcare. She has a degree in special education, but could not work in a daycare because their children are independent, so he found some sites that people find they need to keep helping children nights and weekends if her husband can care for children. She found a need (people who need a babysitter) and filled. It increases the value to be certified in CPR, a trained teacher and has great talent and passion for childcare. Parents love it, and you pay a higher rate than usual. There was a problem and solved it.

You need to start thinking about what you do. What is your passion? To find price, creating opportunities in the desired range and to correct problems.

Finally, the errors must not stay. Learning from them to grow and grow. I do a ton of mistakes every day and try to learn from them.

Good luck with your goals!

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